We are committed to ensuring the welfare of everyone in the community.
parent talking to a therapist

Empowerment Health Services, Inc. is a Mental Health Care agency providing psychiatric rehabilitation services like Group Therapy, Family Therapy, Individual Therapy, and more to all individuals in the community who need the care and treatment so they can live their lives freely and comfortably.

Our agency coordinates with other mental health programs, social workers, government agencies to ensure you and your loved ones have the means to access excellent treatment and psychiatric rehabilitation suited to your condition. We expect our staff to treat you and your family members with the utmost respect and to provide exceptional care.

Our Mission

Our mission is to ensure that every individual in the community has access to affordable and quality mental health care services. We improve our client’s quality of life by breaking their barriers from achieving a fulfilling life and diminishing the stigma on mental diseases or disabilities.

Our Vision

We envision a world where no individual is barred from achieving a fulfilling life because of mental disease or disability, that they can access the treatment they need and live a life empowered and free.

Contact us and get all your inquiries answered!